Just To Make Life A Little Easier . . .

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Get The Kids Out Into The (Cold) Fresh Air!

Many parents think that they should keep their little ones indoors during cold winter months.  However, it is not the cold weather that makes people sick more often during the winter.  Not directly anyway.  What increases the amount of sickness during winter months is the fact that people spend more time together indoors, thereby spreading their germs to each other more often.  So bundle up those little ones and get them out for some fresh air each day!  Bonus:  Being in the sun each day will also alleviate "cabin fever" & the "winter blues" - the restlessness & depression that children and adults can experience after being cooped up inside for the winter.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! This advice is amazing! Abby (My daughter) is as much into this website as I am. You always help us think of new activities to do. Thanks!
